Common Questions and Answers for New Users Q: How do I ADD a record? A: Choose VIEW. Press 'L' or click LAST for the LAST record. Click or press UP arrow. Click EDIT or press 'E' to edit. The record you add is logically at the end of the current file. You choose "L" (LAST) to see the last record, and UP Arrow to get to LAST + 1. As soon as you enter your data, the LAST record is now the number of the one you entered, and adding another will be at LAST + 1 again. Q: How do I Change or Edit the fields? A: In the MAIN Menu, choose UTILITIES. Choose EDIT COLLECTION TYPE. If you wish to change an EXISTING set of fields, press the letter key that corresponds. If you wish to CREATE a new set, choose an unused letter. Q: It takes too long to LOAD a large file. Can it be shortened? A: Collect! makes an automatic backup of your data under a separate file name when loading. You can disable this feature and get faster LOADing. In the MAIN menu, choose UTILITIES. Choose AUTO SAVE TOGGLE. Press ENTER or click the text to turn the AutoSave off. Subsequent LOADs will now take 1/2 the time, but the automatic backups will not be made. Q: Can text searching be mixed case? A: Sure. Collect! will find "TexT" and "tExT" and "TEXT" just the same. However, do not insert spaces or control characters into search text, as it tends to confuse things. The best idea is to search for a consecutive string of characters, such as "couch" or such. Q: Why Common Spelling Files? A: Well... Let's assume you collect dinosaur bones. To make sure that searches ALWAYS work, it's easier to pick STENONYCHOSAURUS from a list rather than to type it in each time. Subsequent searches would be in error if the above name got misspelled in any of the records. This is especially true if more than one person is adding data to Collect!